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Shockwave therapy Vancouver

Shockwave Therapy Vancouver

Movement is Medicine •  Injury Rehabilitation

What is Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave therapy, also known as extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT), is a cutting-edge, non-invasive treatment that we offer at our Kerrisdale Physiotherapy clinic to help alleviate pain and promote healing in various musculoskeletal conditions.

This therapy is particularly effective for conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, tennis elbow, and heel spurs, among others.

How does Shockwave Therapy Work?

Shockwave therapy utilizes high-energy sound waves to target affected areas of the body. These sound waves induce microtrauma to the tissue, which in turn stimulates the body's natural healing response. This process enhances blood flow, encourages the formation of new blood vessels, and triggers the release of growth factors and anti-inflammatory substances. As a result, patients experience accelerated tissue regeneration and significant pain reduction.


Justin Shing Physiotherapy: Your #1 Destination for Shockwave Therapy in the Vancouver Kerrisdale Area

What to Expect During Treatment

Your treatment will begin with a consultation with Justin Shing Physiotherapy, he will assess your condition and determine if shockwave therapy is an appropriate treatment option for you. He will then explain the procedure, potential benefits, and any risks involved.

Preparation: On the day of your treatment, you should wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to the area being treated. Your therapist may apply a gel to the skin in the treatment area to help conduct the sound waves more effectively.

The Treatment Process: Your therapist will use a handheld device that generates shockwaves and apply it to the affected area. As the device is moved over your skin, you'll feel a series of rapid tapping sensations. This might be slightly uncomfortable and produce a clicking sound. The experience is generally well-tolerated by most patients.

The intensity of the shockwaves can be adjusted to ensure your comfort while still being effective. Each treatment session typically lasts between 10 to 20 minutes.


Sensations During Treatment: During the treatment, you may experience various sensations in the treated area, such as tapping, pulsing, or a mild discomfort. These sensations are normal and indicate that the shockwaves are targeting the affected tissue.

Benefits of Shockwave Therapy

Non-invasive and safe

Quick treatment sessions (15-20mins)

Minimal side effects

Pain Relief &
Promotes healing

Is Shockwave therapy for you?

If you're struggling with chronic pain or a stubborn musculoskeletal condition, shockwave therapy might be the solution you've been looking for. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced physiotherapists. Let us help you get back to your active lifestyle, free from pain.

The Post-Treatment Experience

After undergoing shockwave therapy, patients may experience a range of sensations in the treated area. Mild to moderate discomfort or pain is common immediately following the session, which can last from a few hours to a couple of days. Along with this, the area may exhibit redness and swelling due to increased blood flow and the body's natural healing response. In some cases, minor bruising and a temporary feeling of numbness or tingling may also occur.

Despite these temporary side effects, many patients report immediate relief from pain and an improvement in mobility. However, the full benefits of shockwave therapy are typically realized over a period of days to weeks as the body continues its natural healing processes. Gradual improvements in the condition being treated are common, with continued progress observed with each subsequent session.

Following the treatment, it is essential to adhere to the post-treatment plan provided by Justin Shing Physiotherapy. This may include avoiding high-impact activities and anti-inflammatory medications for a short period to allow for optimal healing.

Additionally, follow-up sessions may be recommended to achieve the best results, and patients are encouraged to communicate any concerns or unusual symptoms.

Shock Wave Vancouver (Kerrisdale Area)

Shockwave therapy has been the subject of numerous research studies, and it is considered an effective treatment for various musculoskeletal conditions. Here are some conditions that have been shown to benefit from shockwave therapy, along with sources from research studies:

  1. Plantar Fasciitis:

    • A study published in the Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research found that shockwave therapy is an effective treatment for plantar fasciitis, particularly in reducing pain and improving functionality (Aqil, A., et al., 2013).

  2. Tendinitis:

    • Research published in the American Journal of Sports Medicine showed that shockwave therapy is effective in treating tendinitis, including cases that are resistant to traditional treatments (Wang, C. J., et al., 2002).

  3. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis):

    • A systematic review in the British Journal of Sports Medicine concluded that shockwave therapy is beneficial for treating lateral epicondylitis, with significant improvements in pain and grip strength (Pettrone, F. A., & McCall, B. R., 2005).

  4. Calcific Shoulder Tendinitis:

    • A study in the Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery reported that shockwave therapy is effective in treating calcific tendinitis of the shoulder, resulting in pain reduction and increased shoulder function (Loew, M., et al., 1999).

  5. Achilles Tendinopathy:

    • Research in the American Journal of Sports Medicine found that shockwave therapy provides significant benefits in treating Achilles tendinopathy, particularly in reducing pain and improving function (Rompe, J. D., et al., 2007).

  6. Heel Spurs:

    • A study in the Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery showed that shockwave therapy is an effective treatment for heel spurs, leading to reduced pain and improved quality of life (Ogden, J. A., et al., 2001).

      These studies highlight the effectiveness of shockwave therapy in treating various musculoskeletal conditions. However, it's important to note that individual results may vary, and it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to determine if shockwave therapy is appropriate for your specific condition.

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